New Pharmacy in Fresno, California

My client is opening up a new pharmacy in Fresno, California. He explained how he wanted this particular pharmacy to become a bold, staple spot for this area but also have it feel warm, playful and inviting. Grizzly Pharmacy is an attention grabbing name that stands out amongst other pharmacies in the area, so I thought the branding should highlight that visually.

The first design asset I came up with was the “Coming Soon” sign. This is where I first introduced the color pallet direction and the playful design assets to the branding. Above one can pick apart the design to see a claw mark making up the “m”, and an added feature of a grizzly paw print with a play on negative space in the form of a pill as one of it’s pads. This then opened up the door to adding the warm feature of a grizzly bear to display the warm and inviting atmosphere.

Bouncing off of the brown and orange introductory color pallet, I paired those vital colors with pops of yellow and navy blue. Creating a cohesive set of colors helps to keep the unique designs cohesive.

Bear Logo

My favorite part of this branding package is the bear logo feature. Not many pharmacies or medical care facilities have such a predominant character feature.

When breaking down the concept for this character design I looked in to how bears are portrayed in cartoons. Grizzly bears can come off as an aggressive icon but adding pharmaceutical assets to the design in a playful way can dim that aggressive appearance.

Creating a honey jar play on a pill bottle and adding “pill” bees to the bear illustration, makes the bear so distinctive and memorable.