
A warm welcome to all local business owners of the Jersey Shore. This directory is very informative, inclusive and functional which acts as a know all information center for the Jersey Shore. During these tough times for local business owners this directory’s mission was set out to shed some light and communication for these small businesses, to customers within the local community.

Since everything is online now due to COVID-19, the “@” sign was purposely put into the name to highlight the digital presence the directory has. I decided to create that portion of the logo into a sun to add, not only, a cheery and luminous color but also to highlight the “shore” aspect of the name. This then spiraled into the ideas of having the social and website correlate and reflect closely to this beach-like theme!

Brand Breakdown

Going more in depth with this “beachy” direction as a Jersey Shore local, I started to incorporate teals and blue to compliment the bright yellow, while also mellowing it out. The graphics then became focused on waves, postcards, stamps, and most importantly people enjoying all that the Jersey Shore has to offer!

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