Evil Genius Digital

This  full branding job was for an up and coming, digital marketing company, called Evil Genius Digital. With a name like that, branding  can reach outside the box and become MADLY creative. This direct to client company focuses on higher level clientele and innovative digital strategies. I tried to highlight the strategics, creativity and directness within this particular brand voice.  

Through the logo process, I presented pages of range that could come from this company’s unique name. Finally, we decided on the main logo above. The culture at the company is fun, intelligent and young and the CEO wanted a face that would exemplify what one would see when walking through the office for the first time. Of course, no one actually looks like this mug above, but it was a fun take on what a modern day “evil” genius would look like, while still keeping to a iconographic image instead of a cartoon character.

Also, to incorporate a sprinkle of “digital marketing culture”  into this logo, I created the test tubes. If one looks closely, one would notice how the bubbles fade out into pixels. This not only creates a twist to this companies brand but also personality.

Brand Breakdown

When it comes to the breakdown of this brand, I envisioned purples, hand drawn graphics and an overall exciting presence.

I created the two styles of “evil geniuses” that came to my mind, into mood boards to express the two directions this brand could ultimately go in. I then broke it down into ways to incorporate digital culture and dive deeper into a professional brand voice. This is where my “drawing board” came to life!

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Social Direction